Freight transport control software

Optimize the performance of your vehicle fleet, reduce expenses and save operational management time.

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Informacion SITca

What is SIT ca® ?

SIT ca® is a software for land freight transport companies, whether packaged or in bulk.

With our system, your company will have a friendly and easy-to-use web platform you can maintain a detailed record and control of your operations, production orders, containers, trips, among others.

With SIT ca® you will obtain in a few steps all the documents associated with the Ministry of Transportation, allowing you to have everything ready to start the corresponding trip.

Control de riesgo terceros

Third Party Risk Control

Study with approval of drivers and vehicles

Administracion de clientes

Client administration

Up-to-date record of your customers

Control de Cuentas

account control

Liquidation of tolls per trip, liquidation of concessionaires by toll

Sistema de turnos

shift system

Creation of shifts for orderly entry

Control de reubicacion de contenedores

Container Relocation Control

Control of loading and unloading of locations in X, Y and Z

Control de peajes

toll control

List of tolls and concessionaires with their respective rates

Ordenes de produccion

Production Order

Planning of upcoming services and trips

Transmision al RNDC

Transmission to the RNDC

Documents duly authorized by the Ministry of Transport in a few seconds

What is the parcel service?

This modality is characterized by providing door-to-door service to different cities and towns in the country, collecting and delivering packages to various recipients. They also attend frequent shipments of merchandise, which include everything from a printed document, to raw materials or finished products.

See specifications
Servicio de paqueteo

What is the bulk service?

In SITca , all the processes are unified , in addition, we design the tool for Mass Transport , this mode of transport is characterized by transporting large amounts of merchandise to different cities and/or towns in the country, through a dispatch generated for a single customer with an associated vehicle.

See specifications
Servicio de paqueteo

What is the Last Mile service?

This type of transport refers to package transport management, but focused on the final journey. This means that it usually corresponds to the route taken once several packages have been grouped together to be distributed in a city.

See specifications
Sitca Última MIlla

What is the Last Mile service?

This type of transport refers to package transport management, but focused on the final journey. This means that it usually corresponds to the route taken once several packages have been grouped together to be distributed in a city.

See specifications
Sitca Última MIlla

What is the Last Mile service?

This type of transport refers to package transport management, but focused on the final journey. This means that it usually corresponds to the route taken once several packages have been grouped together to be distributed in a city.

See specifications
Sitca Última MIlla

What is air cargo transportation?

This modality in logistics implies the use of an airplane as a means of transport to carry merchandise between different destinations, this option is usually much faster, which makes it more appropriate for the shipment of merchandise that requires faster delivery, usually they are products that are part of a supply chain that require special attention.

See specifications
Sitca Carga Aérea

What does liquid cargo transportation consist of?

This mode of transport is characterized by transporting products in a liquid state, such as petroleum derivatives (Gasoline and other fuels), chemical or food products.

See specifications
Sitca Carga Líquida

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Caso de exito SITca

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For every purchase we plant trees

For each user who registers on our site, we donate 15% to the Red de Árboles Foundation.